Final Quiz

Once you have completed the final quiz and received a final score of 80% or higher, you will be eligible for your digital certificate.

This quiz is a review of the top twelve reasons that projects fail  presented in Lesson 1.  We called these the “Dirty Dozen.”  You must receive an 80% score on this quiz to proceed in the Duration-Driven course.

If you find yourself stumped, you may navigate back to the lesson menus and review any of the topics or videos, then navigate back to the quiz to retake it.  You can retake the quiz as many times as necessary to receive a passing score.  Good luck!

For each reason that projects fail there are multiple solutions listed. One or more of the solutions apply to each problem listed.  Select which solutions apply to the problem described.  Choose carefully.  Points will be deducted for solutions that do not pertain to the problem described.